Looking for a group to fly with?
Looking for a virtual squadron to fly with? These groups are various customer of Fox3 that have servers with us. Some of these are milsim, some are casual, some are just cool guys to fly with. Check them out?

A Louisiana native, Lemoine is a graduate of the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University in New Orleans. After graduating college, Lemoine joined the Air Force Reserve where he flew the F-16 and accumulated one thousand hours including a combat tour in Iraq.
Lemoine later transferred to the Navy Reserve where he flew F/A-18A+ Hornets for four years. In 2018, he transferred back to the Air Force Reserve where he flew the T-38A as an Adversary Air Pilot for four years. He currently flies for a legacy U.S. airline
In 2011, Lemoine received his Instructor Certification in Survival Krav Maga and his Brown Belt in 2012. He is also a Louisiana P.O.S.T. – 1 certified Law Enforcement Officer and former National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians certified EMT-Basic.
Lemoine lives in New Orleans with his three rescue dogs Luna, Sniper and Kaiser Von Ruff. When he’s not flying or writing, he enjoys volunteering with local law enforcement, working out, and running with his two dogs.
C.W. started a YouTube channel in 2018, hosting a weekly show called “MONDAYS WITH MOVER.” Since then, the channel has grown to over 392,000 subscribers..
Spudknocker qui, aaazzzz sempre! Sono un DCS Mondo YouTuber e storico dell'aviazione!
Realizzo video su DCS: la vasta gamma mondiale di velivoli che vanno da Tutorial to Recensioni e Gioco videos

Virtual Air National Guard

I flew Apaches, Kiowas and 737s. Now I make video game videos on YouTube… study hard in school, kids!
The Virtual Air National Guard is a group of likeminded enthusiasts who replicate operations similar to the real world Air National Guard in Digital Combat Simulator (DCS). As a serious Milsim club we operate a variety of aircraft such as the A-10C, F-16C, F-15E, C-130J, and UH-60L in DCS World using real world tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). We operate in DCS World around fictional story-based scenarios developed by real world military combat veterans, giving our pilots a truly authentic experience.


Flight Simulator Red Arrows
Welcome to the Flight Simulation Channel!! News, tutorials, reviews, dogfights and strikes, all about Flight Simulation with a special attention to the military side.

We are the Flight Simulator Red Arrows. For our display training, we required a super stable server that was reliable and easy to access for training and WE GOT THAT! It has been absolutely amazing and great service any issues we have had were instantly sorted!
The Flight Simulator Red Arrows are a group of individuals aiming to recreate the Royal Airforce Aerobatic Team | The Red Arrows, in exacting detail over the years. We are currently utilizing the platform Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) this platform allows us to perform to a high standard and complete all the challenging maneuvers with precise detail. Within this platform we fly our custom made Hawk T1A that is equipped with a working smoke pod and fully animated 3D Cockpit alongside 8K Textures! We are a welcoming group and enjoy all aspects of aviation. The team began in November 2022 and has slowly progressed to what you see here today. We are always looking for new talent to get involved and have various roles individuals can be within the team from an active pilot to one of the blues on the ground.
Bogey Dope is an ex-USAF F-16 Crew Chief, who makes short, simple, easy to follow DCS Tutorials, cinematics, and missions on YouTube. His goal is to grow the DCS Community, by breaking down the complexity of DCS Simulation into bite size pieces for those novices who would otherwise never attempt to play because of the complexity.

Welcome to the A-10 Warthog Open DCS Community. Hawg drivers from squadrons all over have come together to participate in missions, training, and community events together. We support a 24/7 training environment / server hosted by FOX3, run several specially crafted (non-dynamic!) missions a month, and host community events. "Lone Wolves" who have no squadron but want to learn more about the jet as well as supporters in other airframes who want to fly air-to-ground focused missions are also very welcome to join in as well. Come on in, kick back, and patch up. The top dedicated squadrons of the Mighty Hawg are here, and we're having a blast. ATTACK!

Misguided Misfits
We're a new Squadron, North American server, offering tacview, lotTac, training, & 0ther military sims. Looking to Create A Phantom wing and participate in a Large co-op. Friendly, Gaming r us! Recruiting at our discord:

52nd Virtual Fighter Wing
“The 52nd vFW is a group of milsim enthusiasts that aims to model training, planning, and flying together as close to real life USAF standards as possible (within the limits of a hobby and DCS). Our two current main line squadrons, the 23rd and 391st, fly the F-16C and F-15E. Our trainees learn the ropes in the T-45C as part of the 434th FTS. The 606th ACS provides real time ATC, GCI and JTAC services.

457th Virtual Fighter Squadron
We are a milsim light PvE group based in the US. We have Viper, Hornet, Strike Eagle, and Hawg Squadrons. We just activated a reserve helicopter Company that is open to all our fixed wing pilots who want to fly Apaches, Kiowa's, and Chinooks. Our main goal is to have fun and fly.

Republic of Texas
Founded by TexasCT85, The Republic of Texas has been flourishing since the start. We are very community minded and open to all things new and upcoming. Hosting nightly missions via 1 of our 3 Fox3 server and with experienced flight instructors, our community remains very active and engaging.
We also hold monthly raffles! Since we incorporate all airframes, you’re sure to find yourself something to fly with us. Stop in, check us out.
The 457th Virtual Fighter Squadron is looking for motivated pilots to join our ranks. We do not have a limited roster and do not require monthly flights to stay active. We accept all ranges of pilots, from beginner to experienced.

Task Force Trident
Task Force Trident DCS Realism Unit is a community of like-minded, adult, enthusiasts who embody “fun through realism” by utilizing the real-world aircraft, tactics, and weapons that the US Navy & US Air Force utilizes to project power globally. We strive to emulate NATO aviation operations with a group of adults who passionately enjoy DCS and realism gaming.
We are a semi-serious group emulating US Naval & US Air Force squadrons in a modern-near modern environment.
As a group, we strive for realism and follow real-world procedures, tactics, and training whilst keeping the fun aspects of the game intact.
We currently operate F-14 Tomcats, F/A-18 Hornets, F-16 Vipers, and F-15 Strike Eagles. We also have axillary squadrons that operate rotary wing assets and have a number of staff shops for members looking to get more involved!

MeanStreak Gaming
We are a small, but tight knit group. We don't take ourselves too seriously, and our main objectives are to hang out and have fun. We don't care what planes you can fly, what maps you own or what your KD ratio is. Personality, a sense of humor and functioning common sense are most important here.
Our activities range from full milsim missions to downright stupid stuff just for funsies, but fun and enjoyment are the main focus of our group.
There are no attendance requirements, no module requirements, no rank structure. You fly what you have and we make it work.

414th Fighter Group

57th Wing
Welcome to 57th Wing!
We are a group of DCS simmers who want to get together to fly sorties, master our aircraft and have some fun doing it. We want to make DCS as accessible as possible to newcomers and welcome every skill level.
57th Wing is comprised of:
Weapons School
Where we share training missions and help pilots of all skill levels get better at their chosen airframes
Operations Group
For those of us who want a more serious experience running missions and campaigns - a check ride is required to join the operations group.
Air Demonstration Squadron
For our most skilled pilots, the USAF Thunderbirds Air Demonstration Squadron swaps AIM9's for smokes and precision flying - a check ride is required to join the Air Demonstration Squadron
Hope this is all you need! We also have a Facebook Group!
The 414th Joint Fighter Group required a server that would offer high performance, consistent uptime, and a hassle-free setup and interface - all at an affordable price. Fox3 Managed Solutions was our answer. Our group has been servicing a public server and have been having a great time flying on it with others. The customer service and support team is also phenomenal to work with, as they are responsive and well familiar with the DCS Multiplayer scene. The servers they provide is everything a squadron could want and more!
The [414th] Joint Fighter Group was formally established on April 7th, 2018. This a casual group that provides training for newer or inexperienced pilots and a place to call home for those looking to be a part of a multiplayer squadron. The [414th] is primarily oriented towards PvE combat, with an occasional mix of joint operations and squadron versus squadron (PvP) battles with other wings or squadrons in DCS World.
There are no time commitments that we enforce and there is no mandatory attendance required. All pilots are welcome here, no matter your timezone or skill.
Feel free to swing by and visit our discord! If you're interested in joining us as a member, let us know!
Joint Task Force 13
VFC-617 Giostratori
Abbiamo iniziato a utilizzare Fox3 Managed Solutions come server Web da giugno 2021. Avevamo bisogno di un server Web in grado di gestire i requisiti unici di DCS oltre a fornire un servizio ininterrotto ai nostri membri che vivono negli Stati Uniti. I Jousters sono fortunati ad avere Fox3 Managed Solutions soddisfare le nostre esigenze. Forniscono un servizio eccellente a un prezzo accessibile!
I Jousters sono uno squadrone composito (misto) che vola su aerei DCS modellati F-14A/B, F-16C, F/A-18C, Mi-24P, UH-1H e una varietà di altri moduli aerei DCS. Il nostro squadrone enfatizza le missioni PvE con un sacco di giochi di ruolo ironici. Le missioni che voliamo variano da facili a hardcore. Pianifichiamo eventi organizzati una volta alla settimana, in genere il giovedì.
Tutti i livelli di abilità sono i benvenuti. Per essere un Jouster, chiedi a un Jouster. Non essere timido... vieni nel nostro Discord e dì "Ciao!"
Unisciti a Jousters Discord qui:
Visita la pagina Facebook di Jousters qui:
Visita il canale YouTube di Jousters qui:
I nostri membri attuali includono membri di questi paesi: Stati Uniti, Canada, Germania, Spagna, Israele, Regno Unito, Australia, Brasile, Francia, Paesi Bassi e molti altri. Siamo la Joint Task Force 13, un gruppo internazionale che si è riunito alla fine di luglio del 2019. JTF-13 non è un gruppo mil-sim, ma più un ambiente produttivo ma informale. Non abbiamo voli obbligatori, né ci aspettiamo che tutti si uniscano alle nostre campagne, ma speriamo in una partecipazione attiva e chiediamo che i nostri piloti e RIO mostrino interesse a volare con un gruppo. Abbiamo molti membri con varie competenze che supportano JTF-13 attraverso l'esperienza di leadership e le capacità di insegnamento. Molti dei nostri piloti offrono un'esperienza di vita reale inclusa l'aviazione civile, privata e militare. Per questo motivo, i nostri piloti istruttori forniscono l'addestramento completo necessario sull'aeromobile.
Non ti resta che chiedere! Se sei nuovo ai simulatori di volo o DCS, ti sentirai come a casa qui con i nostri membri esperti, così come i nostri nuovi membri. Stiamo reclutando per molte cellule, ma stiamo cercando più piloti di F-16 e A-10.
Se sei interessato a unirti a noi, visita la sezione di candidatura qui sotto!https://jtf13.com/

Central Arkansas Gaming
We are a small, casual PC/Console/Tabletop gaming community founded in Central Arkansas, but open to all. We have a few dedicated servers we keep running, and a few regular events. Nothing too busy, or formal. Come and join us!

76th SQN Eagle Eye
76th SQN Eagle Eye DCS Community Fly Event Missions once or twice a month. We welcome all pilots from new starters to DCS to the Expert level. Our Public Missions run 24/7 with Paid Maps running and free ones so anyone can enjoy DCS.
Our Main Events run almost all flyable planes and all flyable helicopters for players to use during the two-hour mission event. We also Run mods (A-4E, UH-60L, etc) which you are not forced to download to play with us. You can join our Event Missions or Public Missions even if you don't have any mods downloaded.
Looking forward to seeing you on the DCS Battlefield.
Virtual Yellow Jackets
Siamo il team di Virtual Yellowjacks Display. Per la nostra formazione sul display, avevamo bisogno di un server super stabile che fosse affidabile e di facile accesso per la formazione e LO ABBIAMO OTTENUTO! È stato assolutamente fantastico e un ottimo servizio, tutti i problemi che abbiamo avuto sono stati immediatamente risolti!
Abbiamo fondato nel 2016 sotto la DCS Black Widows e alla fine del 2020 abbiamo deciso di voler replicare un pezzo di storia Maverick il fondatore del nostro team e pilota di ala estesa ha un amore per il moscerino e come tale ha pensato di portare gli Yellowjack un po' conosciuti pezzo di storia ai cieli!
Apex Aerobatics
Istituito ufficialmente nel 2016, Apex Aerobatics ha originariamente pilotato l'F-5E Tiger, e successivamente è passato a uno spettacolo solista ad alte prestazioni utilizzando il Mirage 2000C. Ora siamo alla nostra seconda stagione di volo con l'F/A-18C Hornet.
Apex Aerobatics è pieno di persone che si sforzano di essere il meglio che possono essere. Con l'obiettivo di mantenere la professionalità in ogni aspetto della nostra carriera virtuale, miriamo a rappresentare non solo noi stessi, ma anche i nostri affiliati sotto la stessa luce.
Apex Aerobatics attualmente rappresenta Echo-19 e The Hercules Development Team.
Da quando abbiamo iniziato a utilizzare Fox3, non avremmo potuto essere più felici. Essere in grado di unirsi al nostro server in qualsiasi momento è davvero bello.
Se sei interessato a darci un'occhiata, visitaci su:
Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/ApexAerobatics
Discordia -https://discord.gg/NHwPGJ2kpS

62nd Virtual Fighter Squadron
Il 62nd Virtual Fighter Squadron è uno squadrone abbastanza nuovo e quando siamo cresciuti abbastanza da volere un server di squadrone dedicato, Fox3 era in cima alla lista dei fornitori di server.
La nostra esperienza con Fox3 è stata stellare e lo staff è fantastico con cui lavorare! Il nostro server è stato configurato rapidamente e abbiamo avviato e avviato le operazioni di squadrone il giorno in cui abbiamo ordinato il nostro!
Il 62° VFS è uno squadrone orientato a coloro che vorrebbero far parte di uno squadrone, ma a causa di obblighi di vita reale, quantità limitate di tempo per volare, orari di lavoro impegnativi o vita familiare, potrebbero non essere in grado di unirsi a uno squadrone con un focalizzazione più specifica o requisiti di formazione. Diamo il benvenuto a piloti DCS di tutti i livelli su qualsiasi aeromobile, indipendentemente dalla frequenza con cui sei in grado di volare. Non c'è alcun impegno ad aderire, né alcuna formazione obbligatoria per diventare un membro del 62esimo. Ti offriamo uno squadrone che puoi chiamare casa, incontrare e volare con altri piloti DCS e, soprattutto, divertirti!
Unisciti alla nostra Discord e vola con noi!

Hornet School
The world famous Hornet School is the premier discord community for all things F-18. When we started the school, we only had one goal. To take the time to teach anyone willing all the fundamentals needed to start their DCS multiplayer journey. From our humble roots of 4 DCS enthusiasts, we now have over 15 dedicated mentors ready to help any of our over 800 members learn and grow in the DCS’ flagship module. Armed with our proven and effective 6 lesson syllabus, our mentors have helped over 3 dozen pilots earn their virtual wings. We don't stop there either. We want to make sure you find the right DCS environment that suits your play style. To help with this we’ve teamed up with over 10 other established and well respected DCS squadrons and communities to help point you in the right direction to fit your play style. You'll find The Hornet School has what you're looking for whether you're a complete novice looking for training, or a seasoned DCS vet looking for an awesome community focused on one of the most iconic fighter jets in history. Come join us today and see what you've been missing out on.

Outlaw Squadron
Outlaw Squadron is a casual, cooperative squadron. We do not recognize ranks, nor do we have standards for our pilots. Our only goal is to get into DCS, blow up some targets, and have fun together.
We do not care how good you are at the game. If you can barely keep your plane in the air, can't trap aboard the boat, struggle with the systems in your aircraft; you are welcome here. This is a place of fun, and, if you are so inclined, learning.
Under no circumstances is shaming another pilot for a perceived lack of skill acceptable at any time. There are no stakes in DCS, you can always just respawn and go again. Is it ok to try your best? Absolutely! Is it ok to expect everyone else to? Absolutely not.
Coordinate with your squadron mates if you want, or feel free to try and benefit the squadron however you want. Lean on the more experienced members to teach you and give directions if need be.
However, what we do not tolerate, is grieving. Your squadron mates are family; doing anything to impede them or ruin their fun is not tolerated. Your fun should not come at the expense of your squadron mates, and if it does, you will not last long here.
Laugh and riff with your buds and splash some MiGs or shack some T-72s. That is the only expectation we have.

162nd Vipers
We are the 162nd Vipers Group, a public DCS/Discord community focused on training and teamwork in DCS world and other flight simulations. With a dedicated group of members with the roles of 162nd Trainer and Instructor, we strive to teach new and existing players the fundamentals of virtual aviation and weapons employment for DCS world. As players grow their knowledge and abilities in the sim they will receive roles within the Discord that reflect their status such as Recruit up to PIlot and Navcad up to Carrier Qualified. We are a relaxed group that does not focus mainly on a MILSIM type of gameplay but more of community gameplay in a fun yet competitive environment. Aside from our weekly events, we also host 7 dedicated persistent servers for everyone in DCS multiplayer. Our current most popular server is the 162nd Caucasus Training server that has many different areas to explore and hone one's skills as a virtual aviator.
1.Caucasus Training Server
2.Persian Gulf Training Server
3.Flashpoint Dogfight
4.Open Conflict Classic
5.Marianas Training Server
6.Syria/Caucasus Foothold
7. Caucasus Training Server EU (coming soon)

The Scuttlebutt Lounge
From Wheelchairs To Wings!
We give back to those who deserve it most—individuals who, through no fault of their own, have faced physical, mental, or emotional challenges, or sacrificed so much that they are deserving of a gift in return. We aim to provide access to virtual simulations that promote peace, focus, and therapeutic immersion, particularly for veterans and disabled individuals: Returning Freedom to those Who Faught For it! Come and join us while we press companies into the new hi-tech markets of immersive therapies, human interface, increased realism and more.
Whether you're here to find better access, to learn, to focus, to heal, to rehabilitate or leave a shocking past behind, we provide a safe and inviting community for all disabled, all veterans and all who support us! Warriors! See you on the apron! https://dcsfordisabilities.org/ https://discord.gg/8yfme928Kk
The Scuttlebutt lounge/DCS4D

is a DCS Strike Fighter Squadron that is dedicated to getting as close as possible to real-world Naval aviation operations.
VFA-211 is committed to training its members to be the best of the best. VFA-211 offers a unique experience in that we capture the culture around Naval Squadrons. We’re a tight-knit group of like-minded people who act like a family building each other up.
We are devoted to making an authentic and realistic experience. We are often classified as a military simulation (mil-sim), but what does that exactly mean? Well, our definition of mil-sim is that we strive to get as close as we can to real-world operations within the limits of DCS. VFA-211’s members have a lot of experience in a wide range of tactics and procedures.
Our members are devoted to helping one another accomplish the goal of creating a realistic experience within DCS. Mil sim does not mean you have to greet people and say sir, but we do have a chain of command and ranks to identify members and their respective contributing roles.
175th MAG

Maintain the best leadership, teamwork, and professionalism in and out of the aircraft, continually striving to further our own and each other’s knowledge of the DCS platforms utilized by the 175th MAG with mastery of all systems, modern air to ground and air to air combat tactics while reaching out to the greater DCS community to recruit like-minded pilots and grow the 175th MAG into the deadliest yet fun Mil-Sim Attack Group in the DCS community.

Black Knights Squadron
We are a group of aviation and flight sim enthusiasts who love to fly cooperative combat missions together in multiplayer. What began as dedicated LAN parties in the late 1990’s eventually evolved into online meets over the course of several years. As the Internet and multiplayer gaming evolved, our group formally organized into a private squadron, and the virtual Black Knights were officially established in 2003. Members of our squadron get the opportunity to fly a variety of aircraft over many theaters of operation. We design in-house exclusive missions and campaigns that offer our members something they can’t find in single-player or your typical online servers… teamwork and purpose. These immersive missions are often story-driven and feature realistic depictions of famous historical battles or fictional ‘what if’ scenarios based on real-world settings. They all share a common focus on cooperative, multi-role, PVE combat. Presently, the Black Knights are flying a variety of fixed and rotary-wing combat aircraft in “DCS World” across multiple theaters of conflict and present-day hot spots. https://blackknightssquadron.com/

We are a group of pilots from Latin America that focus on military operations in the virtual skies of DCS World. The group/wing has a variety of squadrons corresponding to the following aircraft F/A18C-F14-F16C-M2K-A10-AH64-JF17 and more.
Visit our website and enter our discord to join us!

1st Virtual Air Expeditionary Wing
We are a milsim light PvE group based in the US. We have Viper, Hornet, Strike Eagle, and Hawg Squadrons. We just activated a reserve helicopter Company that is open to all our fixed wing pilots who want to fly Apaches, Kiowa's, and Chinooks. Our main goal is to have fun and fly.

Carrier Air Wing 4
Welcome Aviator! You've discovered Carrier Air Wing Four (CVW-4), a dynamic air wing where the finest virtual military minds converge. Our community embodies the spirit of global defense and peacekeeping across all realms of virtual military service. But our mission extends beyond the virtual skies. We're here to create an unparalleled experience for our members, fostering camaraderie, sharing knowledge, and fueling a passion for all things aviation and military operations.
What We Offer:
In CVW-4, we are offering an exciting mid-level experience baked in with fundamental protocols, training, and realism. WE ARE NOT a Hardcore MilSim environment, there are plenty of groups for that. We are a good mix of practical and safe military aviation operations with a little flair. We enjoy our community, respect our pilots no matter their level of proficiency and believe we are all here as a collective respite to enjoy military aviation.
We offer a comprehensive self-paced learning program in multiple airframes, multiple servers, a mix of stand-alone missions and story-based immersive campaigns with Dynamic Persistence. Finally, we offer an annual season (tour) approach consisting of six phases:
• Phase One: Basic Onboard
• Phase Two: Fleet Replacement Squad (FRS)/ Weapons Training
• Phase Three: Advanced Onboard
• Phase Four: Squadron Workups
• Phase Five: Deployment
• Phase Six: Wing Standdown/Recruitment
We are passionate about the thrill of digital combat and the camaraderie that comes with it. If you’re seeking a dynamic and supportive community where you can hone your piloting skills, engage in thrilling story-based missions, and form lasting friendships with fellow aviation enthusiasts, we would love to have you join us.

Eskadra 47
Squadron 47 is a Polish community of enthusiasts and players of the DCS World simulator, bringing together virtual pilots—both beginners and experienced ones—for over two years. Together, we conduct training sessions, participate in joint missions, and have combat squadrons specializing in specific aircraft. Our community is continuously growing, and new events are being organized. Fly with us!

No. 66 Squadron vRAAF
No. 66 Squadron vRAAF (virtual Royal Australian Air Force) is a DCS Realism Unit community that emphasises enjoyment through immersion, by utilising an active rank structure and duty assignment. The use of realistic training, doctrine, tactics & tactical procedures (TTPs), radio brevity and the level of research used to build missions/campaigns adds to the level of realism. We operate a public server in the Oceanic region that enables Player-Versus-Environment-Versus-Player opportunites (something sorely missing in the region). We operate all aircraft modules of DCS, and carry out training and/or a mission weekly. We are always looking for more like-minded individuals to join or participate with us.